Often described as one of the seven natural wonders of the world, the Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest coral reef system a World Heritage Site. Located in the Coral Sea, encompassing more than 3,000 individual reef systems & coral cays, around 600 continental islands, and a gigantic assortment of captivating marine life. To … The post Explore the Magnificent Great Barrier Reef with Our Exciting Fishing Charters to the Various Islands of Queensland appeared first on Elizabeth E II Luxury Liveaboard Charters.
Often described as one of the seven natural wonders of the world, the Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest coral reef system a World Heritage Site. Located in the Coral Sea, encompassing more than 3,000 individual reef systems & coral cays, around 600 continental islands, and a gigantic assortment of captivating marine life. To give an idea of its astonishing underwater life, it contains 600 different kinds of soft & hard corals, in excess of 100 varieties of jellyfish, more than 1,600 fish varieties, over 130 types of sharks & rays, and not to forget, 30 enchanting species of whales and dolphins. Fishing charters to the islands of the Great Barrier Reef allow you to admire this enchanting marine paradise whilst swimming, snorkelling, or diving.
Some of the famous places for fishing that also allow tourists to enjoy the scenic views of this tropical heaven are briefly discussed below.
Princess Charlotte Bay
It is a massive bay on the northern side of Queensland at the base of Cape York. Reefs in this area are often described as pure and a haven for enthusiastic anglers. Many rivers terminate in this bay and there are three national parks around this region. As a part of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, there are several marine species found in the Princess Charlotte Bay and some of the more famous ones include blue salmon, grey mackerel, queenfish, tiger prawn, famous coral trout, red emperor, iconic barramundi, etc.
Heron Island
Situated in the southern part of the Great Barrier Reef, Heron Island is home to more than half of the fish & coral species found across the Great Barrier Reef. Being a coral cay, Heron Island provides swift access to the best dive sites in the entire region and is visited frequently by snorkelling enthusiasts and professional divers. Here you can find common fish types such as coral trout, red emperor, mackerel, etc., as well as parrot fishes, cods, and other bigger varieties. Sharks, rays, whales, sea turtles, and species endemic to southern part of the Great Barrier Reef like Choat’s wrasse and dotty back could be seen in abundance here as well.
Cape York
Being known as the Northern most tip of Australia, Cape York over the centuries has retained its pristine form and beauty. Fishing charters to this far north part of Queensland are quite famous and there are plenty of activities to keep you interested. Lakefield National Park is a great place to catch the alluring barramundi, Weipa (famous for mining) has made fishing a riveting sport in Australia, and Jardine & Jackey Jackey Creek offer anglers one of the best fishing grounds in the entire Great Barrier Reef region.
Torres Strait
Situated between the tip of Cape York and Papua New Guinea, Torres Strait forms the Northern boundary of the Great Barrier Reef. Recreational and charter fishing in Torres Strait that are outside the management of Torres Strait Protected Zone Joint Authority (PZJA), are managed through Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF). This region has a great mix of marine species and picturesque landscapes.